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the supermarket seller tells me that he can give me a special discount in exchange for me being able to offer him my sexual services, i got the discount and something else

One afternoon, while doing my usual grocery shopping, I noticed a special offer on one of my favorite products. As I approached the shelf, the supermarket clerk, a young and attractive man, approached me with a knowing smile. He told me that he could give me a special discount on my purchases if I offered him something in return, hinting at an exchange of sexual services.

At first, the proposition left me surprised and somewhat confused. However, his charisma and the spark of attraction I felt between us made me consider the offer. I decided to accept, letting myself be carried away by the emotion of the moment. We later met in a discreet corner of the supermarket, where the tension and anticipation created an electrifying atmosphere.

What began as a simple agreement soon transformed into a deeper and more passionate connection. In that secluded corner, our bodies joined in an intense embrace, and latent desire overflowed into an explosion of passion. That encounter not o

  • 00:20:40
  • Aug 05, 2024
  • 29


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