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getting dick for audrey

What s up Yo!In this week s update we brought back our old friend Julius Pleaser. After being locked up for six months,we all hope he didn t drop the soap while on vacation in the big one. Let s say this week we turn things around a little.Our girl Audrey Bitani is turning the heat up. She has these amazing set of tits,a nice ass,and some chunky lips that are made to suck some mean cock.We drove around town trying to get some dick for her to have some fun.The first couple of times we couldn t seal the deal and then we founded our new friend Zach and he was all up for the job.Audrey took charge by siting hard on that cock and pleased herself. She had an attitude that we rarely see on the bus.This girl is the real deal.

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 08, 2008
  • 259


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