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stepmom threesome with the bf

Kendra was making her morning juice when Veronica walked in with her boyfriend. Veronica wanted to know if they can go study in her room because the WI-fi had been down. Kendra said ok but that they had to follow their fathers rules and not do anything cray cray. They re both colleges students so Veronica decided to take this opportunity to show her boyfriend what the college girls their age have been doing lately. She showed her boyfriend some porn and asked him to fuck her like they do in the movies. But of course her step mom was alerted because she had a phone alarm thingy and she catches them in the act..and the act was bad so step mom Kendra decided to put it upon herself to help them fuck correctly after all that s what a step mom is supposed to do right? well you watch and come to your one conclusions. enjoy!

  • 00:28:30
  • May 03, 2014
  • 298


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