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tennis instructor shows how to play gay tennis!!!!!.

Hey guys, back again with another episode of the world famous bait bus. This week we turned on our radars looking for a straight guy to turn gay, and we found the perfect one. We drove by this park because we figured we d find your average athletic guy there, and we saw this guy just standing on the sidewalk waiting for someone or something. We pulled up and it happened to be he was a tennis instructor waiting for his student, who never showed. So we offered him a ride and once he saw Ashlynn, he got in right away. She asked him for a foot massage, and he was eager to give it to her. Once that started going it wasn t long before she was exposing her beautiful tits to him. He went all googly eyed once he saw her tits. It s so funny how gullible these straight guys are, show them a piece of ass and they ll do anything. Well she offered to suck onhis dick while being blindfolded, and he went for it. When he took off the blindfold and saw Jamie, this guy flipped the fuck out. He almost k

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 01, 2007
  • 245


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