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jordanne kali and allya get banged poolside by max cortes

When he comes to visit his friend Max, Terry is always in good company. Today he found 2 pretty brunettes who look as naughty as each other. Max won t have to tease them for long for them to end up with his dick in their mouths... and yet they had only come to enjoy the swimming pool in peace and away from the crowds and the big clumsiness of the beaches in summer. .. It was counting without Max who, after getting sucked off, is going to put a lot of it in their face, and the rest too... he is going to dislocate them each in turn, and one of them who seems particularly receptive goes get shaken even more vigorously and pick up a few horny good smacks for those who like the genre. An excellent video combining the sweetness and sensuality of the sweet Jordanne Kali and the ardor of the trashy Allya, all masterfully orchestrated by the excellent Max Cortès. Unmissable!

  • 00:32:09
  • Sep 25, 2022
  • 232


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