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we spank our asses red!

Anyone who knows me a bit knows that I m really into spanking and always enjoy spanking on my ass. But I also enjoy spanking women myself. Julia Juliett and I always have a lot of fun together and like to talk about our preferences. So of course we came to the subject of spanking and immediately realized that we both love it and are so into it. So it didn t take long and we somehow came up with the idea of spanking each other. We didn t have to think about it for long. Camera on, our hot asses stretched towards the camera and go 👋🏻 Of course we also have a paddle with us. We have so much fun and look how red our asses have become hihi 😏🤭 That s how I like it! 😈

  • 00:04:15
  • Aug 04, 2024
  • 128


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