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double doggy

In this one Robert is at the bus station and he see a girl that he had some fun with in the past. She also has a really cute hot chick with her. So this girl knows a few things about Robert like he is a DJ, he has money and he likes to have crazy fun. So he asks them both if hey would show their titties off for a few bucks. They do it will no problem and they are so money hungry that when he asks then to both suck his dick a little bit they have no problem taking a walking for some action. They find a place where there is less traffic and in no time they are both sucking his cock. He then asks them if he gave them more money could he fuck them both. I guess they really needed money cause they both bent over very quickly to feel Robert s dick in their tight pussy. He fucks them both hardcore and explodes all over both of their faces, NICE.

  • 00:36:27
  • Jun 12, 2012
  • 749


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