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threeway spanish fun with lina jones and africa danger

The couch on the island of Tenerife saw some things before. This time, it will host a nice get-together with three latin hotties - Lina Jones, Africa Danger and Jimmy, our local bull.
We got to know more and more about this gem of Spain, Tenerife through these scenes. Don t forget to checkout our other fresh scenes shot there, during the winter of 2021/2022! Anyhow, we know learned that the naughty couch is currently on the patio kind of outdoor area overlooking the North Atlantic Ocean. How cool is that?
What makes this scenario even more cooler is the fact that our two latinas are already touching-kissing-licking each other on said couch. In the background our stallion, Jimmy, is watching and just can t wait to join in the threesome fun. Just in a breeze this turns into a mini-orgy. Girls kissing, guy kissing girl, tits are out and in general just everyone is either licking someone else, or will do soon.
Jimmys dick is in someone s mouth constantly at first. Pussy licking b

  • 00:38:35
  • Feb 26, 2022
  • 171


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