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abdl sick day messy change with loving goddess brandon

Some BB isn t feeling well and had a messy accident in their pamper. You start fussing and whining for your caregiver, loving Brandon. She comes over and assesses the situation... your tummy hurts so much but she doesn t know you already had a STICKY messy accident back there until she checks you.. P.U! Oof, you need a diaper change ASAP. She s very matter of fact about it, getting the wipes, powder and a new cushy thick diapee ready. She opens it up and WHOA... backs away from the huge mess in there. She wipes your tushy & rolls up the messy diaper. Then diapers you with a new diaper while singing a silly lullaby, AFTER putting a thermometer in your bum. Time for a cozy onesie and then she just wants you to rest today. She then comforts and cuddles with you in bed while caressing your head & talking sweetly about having a chill day where she s going to take good care of her wittle one.

  • 00:09:50
  • Aug 08, 2024
  • 87


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