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sydnee needs a ride

So today my friends, we have my good friend Sydnee Capri on the scene. She travel al the way up to my house on a fucking bike, lol. By the time she got there it seemed that her back tire was completely flat. So I told her I have a friend that lives close by and he could probably maybe give her a ride home. Now if you know Sydnee she is a very horny and persuasive woman when there is dick around. So I called my boy over and as soon as they met she was deep throating his cock like a she needs a ride home. Now my boy loves him some big black ass. She jumped on top of his cock to show him exactly how her big ass feels slapping all over him. It kind of looked just a little that my boy could barely handle it, but all the way up to the end I was routing for him. With a solid effort, he gives her a super fucking huge load over her pretty ass face like blockbuster status, BOOM.

  • 00:27:27
  • Jan 14, 2012
  • 200


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