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if the bus is a rocking

Lysagna was on her way to a rock concert when we pulled up on her. Cute, white, and tatted was all Sheem needed to perv out on her. She was a tough one to . We settled on a few bucks to get her panties, so Sheem could smell them. Then a couple more hundred for her to get in the van and do our pod bus . I tried to get her naked but she wasn’t going. So, I made Sheem get naked, to get her to feel more comfortable. Lysagna was shocked at how big Sheem’s dick was and couldn’t stop looking at it. We asked her did she plan on having sex in Miami, and she was like duh. So, we were like why not Sheem? We kind of played match maker and she agreed to let him eat her pussy. Sheem with the magic tongue was all it took as she was returning the favor and trying to get his big dick to go down her throat. They fucked her all over the van, her tight pussy gripping on to his dick for dear life. He came on her face and with enough time for her to still make it to her show.

  • 01:08:42
  • May 23, 2024
  • 353


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