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dsc15-3) petite spinner karlee paige’s her first hypodermic play along with cunt fucking, creampie and age gap sex

De Sade Club 15-3 Play” starring Karlee Paige Petite spinner Karlee’s first hypodermic play” fetish scene. Harry Grey and Sandra Moore clean her chest thoroughly with an antiseptic wipe and a sterilizing wipe. Harry begins a methodical process of pinching the flesh around Karlee’s tits with forceps then thrusts a sterile through the flesh. Nine in the right tit, ten in the left, are inserted from the outside in leaving the tips at the base of the nipple. Harry winds colored string around the . The string lays across Karlee’s tit forming a maze of colors like a multi-layered flower blossom. Once Karlee’s tits are fully decorated Harry spreads her legs and enjoys a standing missionary fuck that leads to his soft climax and a moist creampie in Karlee’s sweet cunt. After he’s finished there’s a bit of behind the scenes activity as Harry removes the and the colored string blossom. Then a final antiseptic wipe and Karlee is done.

  • 00:51:33
  • Jan 02, 2023
  • 34


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