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i saved my step-daughter s marriage by having a threesome with her and her husband

I m a dedicated step-mom, here to help my step-daughter at all costs. When Aubrey called me up and asked me to come over because she wanted some relationship advice, I rushed straight over. She said that her and her husband had been having a few problems and she seemed to think that it was because she wanted to try something different and they weren t really having that much fun anymore. I asked her what it is that she wanted to try and she said I m just not that sure what I should do . I knew exactly what she needed so I said just lay back and let me take control . We started making out which was so hot because he lips felt soft and supple. My hand drifted straight down to her perky tits, they were perfect, so I started licking and sucking them. She had that perfect soft, supple body that most 20 year olds have. I laid her down then worked my way to her delicious pink pussy. So tight, wet and sweet. I could tell she d never been with a woman before and it was making my pussy so wet

  • 00:18:43
  • Aug 16, 2024
  • 422


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