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her best body parts prevent him from air

Mistress Yara has her slave Canvas strictly fixed. His head is stuck in a pillory and looks out of the cage. But that s hardly how he would describe it, because he wears a latex mask through which he can no longer see out.

The mask holds another nastiness in store. It has only one tiny air hole, through which so little air comes that it is only barely enough. Miss Yara is dressed provocatively. She wears only a transparent bodysuit, which is decorated with a pearl necklace at the crotch.

And exactly this body part Yara uses now to take the air completely from the already air gasping slave. She presses her wonderfully fragrant body center directly on the air hole. Canvas has no possibility to inhale and writhes in his bonds. This game is also repeated with the butt and the breasts until Canvas was driven to the edge of despair and to strong arousal. However, he is not granted an orgasm.

  • 00:12:36
  • Jul 30, 2024
  • 100


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