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had to breakout to get some pussy

I ve been locked up for quite sometime!!! There is only so much jacking off you can do before it s just not enough! They have this penpal program for all prisoners, suppose to give you some kind of normalcy while you re behind bars. While my luck would have it that the penpal I ended up contacting was this HORNY SLUT who went by the name Princess Gemini! We exchanged letters back and forth for months, she would tell me how her head couldn t be out done! As I said before, there is only so much jacking off one can do. The letters were just starting to be to much and I needed to feel the real thing, hell I had to have the real thing! So I decided I m already doing life who cares if they tack on extra time I was going to get that sluts mouth and that s exactly what I did!

  • 00:15:15
  • Oct 14, 2022
  • 123


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