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for real i m not gay

This week we were interviewing for the bait postion here at The Bait Bus , so our new friend Ashlynn helped us pick up this really hot guy we found walking around the beach. This guy had a great body and a big dick. So we gave him some bullshit story about some anatomy and film school project me and Ashlynn had to do. It took some convincing but once Ashlynn offered to show him her boobs, he got on. It wasn t long before she had her top off and they were touching eachother, he wanted some sucky sucky so she said it was fine as long as she got to blindfold him. He went for it, and once he took off the blindfold he almost killed Jamie. We had to do some major calming down. Then he just kept saying how he wasn t gay, until I made him an offer he couldn t refuse. I ll let you guys watch the rest for yourselves. Have fun!

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 14, 2006
  • 452


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