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chayse and carmella double ass action pack

This is the best shoot ever! let me tell you something about these two girls. Carmella Bing, she is quite a character and she has been working with us for ages. She is hot, sexy and dirty, if you know what I mean. But the surprise that I had this weekend was this cute ,hot, and sexy girl named Chayse Evans. Oh! she knows how to please a man, and most of all, she knows that she has an amazing ass that she is not afraid to use. This girl drove me crazy; we first started the shoot outside doing the regular fetish, but then I just went inside the bedroom and fucked both of them so good that there are no words to explain it. Chayse Evans started riding me reverse cowgirl, and I almost came in only two pumps. This is a great shoot, actually this is the best shoot ever, so check it out and remember that these girls, know how to fuck. -Preston Parker

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 10, 2008
  • 497


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