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toes from another dimension! 7112h

Double trouble extraordinaire! When Suzy Park and Sandy get to frolicking on the bedroom shits, big bedroom fireworks is what you can expect! Sandy with her heavenly curves and an ass just built for pounding, Suzy with the innocent girl next door look. This set has them pulling out all the tricks. Sandy is a master of sensual massage with her feet and after Suzy spreads oil all over her lickable body, Sandy does a heck of a job, even massaging her sweet trimmed snatch. DDF s cameras roll right over the toes too, as they are twinkling around on each other for some unique foreplay. Pretty darn hot massage! Soon after they pull out a double dildo and stuff it deep into each others snatches whilst massaging each others clits with their toes. Quite amazing ! I had to jerk off already actually , it was too much for me! Enjoy!

  • 00:19:04
  • Dec 20, 2002
  • 30


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