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two girl facial feast !

Welcome back people. Today I got a nice surprise for you. This time were gonna enjoy two girls having fun in my office. Today s guest is Niki. She is such a cutie. Beautiful face, nice body, great ass. So when I was interviewing her she seemed nervous. I asked what would help her to calm down, and she told me about her girlfriend who was waiting for her outside. So we went to get her friend Kim. Then we went back in my office, and Niki was back on track. She took her clothe off, and I got a boner right away, good for me she took care of this in a second. Kim was sitting watching us fucking; her hand slowly slid down her pants, and then it was three of us who were having a fun time. I m telling you this episode was different then the others. Mark my words.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 21, 2008
  • 170


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