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cfnm - serve and protect, and make you my little house husband

I get a call at the station that there has been reports of a male domestic victim, I take the call. When I arrive I see a muscular sad man that is the perfect candidate to be my new house boy. I make him feel safe, get him to agree on pressing charges on his wife, and to divorce her. I put him in his new servitude role, first rubbing my feet, coaxing him into submission. Eventually I pitch the idea that I will be the sole bread winner, his protector, and he can be my locked away house husband. He does have to earn his keep eventually though, by giving massages and foot rubs to the other ladies for money. He reluctantly agrees, and then I put him through his final test as my new submissive.. Eat my pussy until I cum, as long as it takes.

  • 00:32:51
  • Jul 23, 2024
  • 44


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