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sweaty sock and jean shorts worship for a human puppy: pov humiliating joi after a long walk

Getting home after a long hot walk your domme starts teasing you. Taunting you with her ass in front of your face just to deny you. Silly puppy you have to earn it. She makes you take off her shoes only using your mouth like the pet you are. Rubbing in how pathetic and horny you are she shoves the sweat soaked socks one at a time in to your mouth. Asking you to bark and degrade yourself in the hopes she will press those sexy soles against your face. Allowing you to hump your hand as you kneel in front of her. She trains you as entertainment, laughing at your feeble attempts to please her. Knowing just what will set you over the edge she stans up. Finally allowing you to worship her sweaty jean covered ass. Press your face between her cheeks until all you smell is her. Wait for that cum countdown like a good pet.

For Fans Of: #PetPlay #Humiliation #Degrading #DirtyTalk #POV #CumCountDown #Femdom #Jeans #JeanShorts #SweatFetish #SweatyFeet #Socks #BigFeet

  • 00:14:20
  • Jul 21, 2024
  • 37


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