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stiff cocked stud slams busty sheila ortega after oily massage gp1973

Busty babe Sheila Ortega, having a bit of free time before her erotic massage, starts to play with her clit as shit sits in the day spa’s jacuzzi. Minutes later, Sheila’s masseuse Vince walks into the room to find her topless with her three fingers knuckle-deep inside of her pussy. Since he’s an erotic masseuse, Vince – having seen this sort of thing many times before – isn’t phased at all, and he begins the massage by having Sheila take the rest of her clothes off and asking her to jump up on his table. Next, Vince takes out the oil, applies it over Sheila’s body, and begins giving her a sensual rubdown. After finger and licking her clit for a bit, Sheila can no longer ignore her desire for his cock, so she pulls it out and begins sucking and fucking it on the massage table. The oily, 20 minute fuck concludes in the jacuzzi with Vince giving Sheila a massive facial.

  • 00:48:45
  • Aug 12, 2021
  • 1415


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