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Did I ever tell you my poorly named driver lived in New York? Well it s true. He s had an interesting life this guy.... No way! He never lived in New York and his life is not that interesting. This week on an all new episode of Bang bus we have this couple from New York. There s is a unique situation. She s a back waitress who fucks her boyfriends best friends for kicks. He s a dim witted used car salesmen who wants to get back at her for her infidelity. He came to my gay-ass driver and I for help. We agreed as long as there s pussy pounding and blowjobs involved. There was of course. The sex was hot! Leroy (the boyfriend) fucked the shit out of her. He probably new he would never get to hit that again and made the best of it. This girl is pretty hot. She has a killer ass and nice tits. It s funny because she was all excited about the shoot. She probably thought that she would be a porn star overnight or something. To bad we ditched her in the middle of no where in a gator infested lak

  • 00:00:00
  • May 30, 2006
  • 109


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