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inflatable diary first video

My heart beats faster every time I see a colorful balloon floating in the sky. I can t resist their light and playful charm. My house is a riot of shapes and colours, a true inflatable paradise. I have majestic swans swimming in my bathtub, glittering unicorns, and even a giant T-Rex standing guard at the entrance.
This summer I want to share my passion with the world. I decided to create a series of videos where I show my collection, revealing the secrets to inflate and maintain these fantastic creatures at their best. I want to show how a simple balloon can be transformed into a work of art, how an inflatable can bring joy and lightheartedness into everyday life.
I already imagine myself in front of the camera, with my hair blowing in the wind and a radiant smile, introducing my beloved pink flamingo or my cute purple octopus. I will tell the stories behind each piece, the markets where I found them, the laughter and emotions they gave me.
I hope my videos can inspire other

  • 00:26:28
  • Jul 19, 2024
  • 29


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