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Look at the size of these tits!! They re the size of beach balls!!!! Wow I had no idea tits like this existed. I was in heaven when I met Ana. She is like your original girl next door, with a little something extra, that most girls don t have, Huge Fucking Knockers! I knew Preston would be happy when he saw her. He loves big tits. This girl is really pretty too. Damn did I wanna stick my cock in her. Preston and I could barely contain ourselves... and since I had to take one for the team and hold the fuckin camera.... Preston makes it a point to handle them things right...He got a pretty good blowjob from her. She had said that she loves big cocks, so she was loving it. She did it nice and slow, but sucked real hard on it, especially around the head. He was loving this girl, I could tell. He really got to pound that pussy right, he took her from behind and just pounded away, making her scream real loud while her tits just bounced all over the place. He then fucked her missionary, while he sucked on her huge tits. She even proposed to him mid shoot!!! Enjoy! I know I will later on!

  • 00:28:30
  • Nov 24, 2004
  • 359


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