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Preston and I hit the beach again in search of a hot Latina. Only, we didn t actually go all the way to the sand, we decided to hang out on Ocean Drive. It s got plenty of restraunts and bars, and it s right across the street from the ocean, so the ladies are always around. We saw Reina coming off of the beach. At first we just followed her for a second. Not like stalkers, just to see if she had a boyfriend. Ok, like stalkers, but it worked. Reina said she was Philippina and Spanish. What a mix... She had huge double D tits, a nice round ass, a cute face, and a cool attitude. She agreed to come back our place, and from there it was on. I m sure she didn t plan on having sex, but she sure was open to the idea. Preston started off by eating her pussy, which she repayed with a blowjob. Then Preston had her give him a pile driver blowjob, and then came the fucking. This chick really loved Preston s cock. You can tell by all of the noises and dirty talk, which enhances the mo

  • 00:25:21
  • Aug 11, 2005
  • 206


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