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castration & penectomy by your surgeon wife sage eldritch

Your surgeon wife, Sage Eldritch, greets you as you come into her office. She tells you that she enjoys being married to you except for all the problems in the bedroom. She tells you there are two operations she really wants to perform: an orchiectomy (castration) and a penectomy. Allowing her to perform these surgeries would undoubtedly strengthen the marriage. It s really the only way to improve the relationship! Sage secures you to her table, and gives you a sexy striptease while putting on her latex gloves. Without being given any pain relief, Sage talks you through the Castration as she s performing it on you. She is so proud of how well you re doing! After safely removing both of your testicles, she then moves on to the Penectomy. Once again, she walks you through the steps of what she s doing as she s doing it. After the surgery is a success, Sage tells you how happy she is and how excited she is about this next phase of the marriage. From now on, you can solely focus on her ple

  • 00:20:29
  • Jul 18, 2024
  • 90


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