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helna price vs. richard mann

Helena Price is a Slut, a Extreme Slut. When fucking her you had better use her right. She does not want to be fucked to tell the truth, she wants to be destroyed. Helena Price has been doing a lot of cam shows and is about to hit the road again to do some more shoots. She is in real need of some Slut Training and gives Richard Mann a call. Now Helena Price does have guys she regularly fucks but none can use her like Richard Mann uses her. He comes over and destroys her tight hole the way she loves it to be destroyed. Richard Mann knows Helena Price loves to be treated like a fuck toy and Richard Mann knows that. He bends and twists her all over the couch until she squirts a river high in the air. It hit the lens of the camera and the camera man. Helena Price loves Richard Mann cause she knows she will always get the Slut Training that she needs and deserves. Helena Price did not go thru Slut Training, thats not rough enough for her. She went thru Extreme Slut Training. Thats the train

  • 00:32:13
  • May 26, 2022
  • 586


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