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getting back at my cheating husband for giving me an sti

It s late, but I decide to invite my co-worker over to debrief after a long day of client meetings. In the middle of us talking about our day, my husband texts me that he s working late. I know what that means. He s been cheating on me. He gave me HPV! I couldn t have gotten that any other way! I ask if my co-worker would massage my feet. I notice that he keeps looking at my feet in my argyle socks. As he does I let him know my real intentions for inviting him over. He seems noticeably aroused and interested, but also weirdly hesitant. Then he tells me that he has chlamydia. He was socked when I told him that was no problem. In fact I thought it was perfect! I could fuck him, contract his STI and then fuck my husband give it to him to let him know that I ve been cheating on him too! It was perfect!

  • 00:26:01
  • Aug 08, 2024
  • 400


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