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Well fellas.. we all at one time or another... have come in touch with a particular type of woman... those that only care about fame and fortune.... pretty much a broad that ll sword swallow a security guard to get backstage ... THE GROUPIE... and who else would be better qualified to exploit the situation.. as I ve been accused of recently.. than Yours Truly.... HAHAHAHAHAHA.... sorry... I get a little out of hand at times... So we roll up on this broad as she s waiting for a ride to get to some concert in downtown Miami.... hoping to sneak in and accept donations for the local sperm bank.... We ask her if she d mind getting going with us because we were on our way there..... BANG! She gets in... BANG! She gets out of her clothes.. BANG! BANG ! BANG! .. loud gestures of bounce of our vans walls... LIFE IS SWEET! In the end... we just couldn t keep on with the charade.. for this chick at least.. and did the classic Denny s run.. if you don t know what that is... ask any 17-24 year ol

  • 00:43:21
  • Nov 16, 2004
  • 196


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