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ride out!

So JT and I were roaming the beautiful streets of South Beach on our way to link up with Ivon and Veronika at one of the infinite scooter rental spots out here... As soon as I scoped them out on their two-person bicycle.. I knew it was gonna be an eventful afternoon! These bubble butt broads were more than ready to get down to some ass worshipping fun.. wanna know how I knew that? Well, when a chick shows her big round juicy boobs to all of Ocean Drive on a bicycle.. I think it s pretty fair to say that she s down for anything..... After JT s near death experience on the scooter.... haha.. we were off to my apartment to handle our business! From the get, these big ass big titty having chicks had no qualms with stripping down to their unmentionables and teasing the fuck out of yours truly... I swear if there ever was a time that I d shut the camera off and stand in it was this shoot.... wow! Nothing better than watching one chick orgasm from some fine pussy licking and the other deep throating JT with one of the messiest, wettest blowjobs I ve captured in a minute.... and then came the sex! I tell ya, these two ladies put on quite a performance for yours truly.... cock riding, pussy fucking action was definitely up to standards! I loved being here.... and I know you ll wish you were there after you stop fandangling and come on in to peep the entire caper! Enjoy!

  • 00:44:24
  • Jul 24, 2005
  • 206


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