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love slave

Hi guys, for this shoot I wanted to treat a guy like my little love slave. I immediately told him to go into the bathroom and change into nothing but a towel and come out for me. I made him lay in the bed and I started kissing him a little bit while rubbing on his small flacid penis. But before I played with it more, I made him eat my pussy, he quite enjoyed that. I finally decided to make him hard with my mouth and mounted his cock, I told him I was just going to ride his cock for a while and that he couldnt touch me. I get off on that. After a while of teasing him like this, I told him he can ravish me however he wanted, and he fucked me doggy style in the bed and over the table, it was really hot.

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 19, 2005
  • 113


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