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the ex-con

When friends need favors they always come to me, probably cause they know i almost always come through for them, so my freind michelle called me the other day tellin me how her cousin just got outta jail after . She wanted to do something special for him so ofcourse that something special was me ;) i obviosly was more than willing to oblige, like i said, anything for a friend. She told me all i had to do was give him a handjob but i thought it be nice since he hadnt even seen a girl for i could be nice enough to give him a blowjob especially after the nice surprise that he was actually cute. I was really surprised to find how nervous i was. I think it was because it was obvious he was nervous or maybe it was just the whole ex-con thing...or maaaaaaaaybe it was cause i felt i had to give him a really good bj since he had been in jail for so long...or maybe..i dont know but i was nervous, But only in the beginning. He had a nice cock and he had one of those pearl things in his s

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 13, 2005
  • 175


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