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mya s morals

Alex and I hit the beach again to try the old Ya wanna be a model? line. I ll admit that I was late, but it all worked out when we met Mya. Mya is an Asian chick with a tight body and a firm round ass. She gave me some line about how she ll never ever do porn, or something like that... I wasn t really listening to her, but she did agree to a topless shoot. When we got to the studio, I had her out of her bottoms before the top ever came up. In fact, she was playing with her pussy before the bottoms came off. I don t mean to brag, but I think me playing with her clit, and squeezing on her tits got her pretty horny. I just mentioned fucking Alex and her morals flew out the window. After Alex ate her pussy she had to replay the favor with a blowjob and hand job combo meal. Then came the fucking... I m talking nipple pinching, chest slapping, dirty talking, pussy pounding, pillow fighting, hair pulling...etc For a girl who acted like she didn t like porn she sure gave us a great sex performance. Oh yeah, and she took the load in her mouth, spit it out, and let it run down her beautiful brown chest. Welcome to amateur porn Mya, and thanks for being in our movie.

  • 00:42:18
  • Jul 18, 2005
  • 237


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