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orgies r us

Well...well...well... look at what we have here... let s start from the top shall we? I decided to try my luck and roam the beach before my houseguests arrived when lo and behold I see Naomi s beautiful ass stretching.. guess she was getting ready for a jog or something.. but damnit man did she look fantastic! The g-string peeking from her little white shorts was fucking great! After a quick chit-chat... and a peek at her juicy round ass... we were off to the homestead for what would become a classic afternoon! A tantalizing strip tease had me bulging enough to be embarassed wasn t enough... because in the middle of it all Cherie and Caroline Pierce stroll in and take over! Now there were THREE round juicy bubble butt babes hanging out... man o man! JT and Alex show up just in time and the games were set to begin! Imagine a line of cock hungy women waiting to give you slow wet messy blowjobs! Only to be followed by a steamy fuck session... all sorts of cock in pussy action... not

  • 00:46:30
  • Sep 11, 2005
  • 638


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