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whats up fuckers!?!?!

Pawn man here and do I have a video for you! This very Miami ghetto hoodrat come into the shop with a silver chain, This thing was ridiculous! I mean it weight about two and a quarter pounds something only an idiot would go out wearing, anyhow it was tacky and more of a novelty item anyway. I was more interested in the silver value than if hip hoppers wear them in videos and such. I ended up giving her about $400 just to get her annoying ass out of my store. Two and a half months later this bitch decides to return without making any payments to pick up her chain. Turns out the chain really belonged to her step dad and she only had $200. I mean how fucking stupid does this bitch think I am? she wanted to cut a deal which to my surprise was beneficial to myself. She offered to suck me off to make up for the remaining balance and ya ll know me! I never pass on an opportunity to get my dick wet!

  • 00:29:33
  • Aug 12, 2014
  • 725


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