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When it comes to cameltoe, I only deal with the best. Nicole is just that. She s got a slammin body with huge tits and a big beautiful ass, which is just the icing on this little cupcake. She came over wearing some tight pants that showed off her awesome cameltoe. I mean, damn... you could spot this cameltoe from a mile away. If there was ever such a thing as too much toe, this bitch might have it. It looked even better when she took the pants off and teased us in her little panties. Once those came off, Noah couldn t stand on the sidelines any more. He jumped right in and Nicole gave him one of the most amazing blow jobs I have ever seen. Yep, this girl was skilled! The only thing hotter than Nicole sucking on a big fat cock is her fucking one. This movie is really hot and honestly one of my favorites... especially when she begs him to cum on her pretty lil face... mmm mmm mmm! You re gonna love Nicole as much as I do so don t wait any longer and check her out!

  • 00:38:33
  • Sep 22, 2005
  • 199


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