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For all of you Latina lovers, I bring you Isabella. Isabella is sexy in the way that she loves to fuck, but somehow still retains her innocence, or at least the appearance of it... I loved her fat ass. Isabella was thick, but not too thick. She came over to make a movie, so I didn t waste her time. I had her strip immediately. Out came the tits, then it was her ass in a thong, then it was her little pussy, but then I had to go back to filming her ass. I can t say enough about her ass. I did have her play with herself for the camera, and I even helped her out with a little dildo. Then I gave her an even bigger dildo named Noah. I give him shit, but he did fuck the shit out of her. They went straight from a blowjob to doggy, her on top, and more doggy. I don t blame him; it s that ass I tell ya. I always love to see them titties flop around when things get hard. And it all ended, as all sex should, in a big gooey facial. Check it out. I m sure you will enjoy.

  • 00:32:15
  • Oct 27, 2005
  • 245


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