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God damn that Hurricane Wilma.... that s what.. the 818579324782914 hurricane this year... sheesh.... you know how I do tho... I ll turn lemons into lemonade quick fast! JT joined us on this mission.... I didn t know if I should take him or not.. with all those damn tranny rumors ( or so he says) .. but yeah... I figured what the hell... Sweeping Miami streets is always fun... especially when Marko defies any and all traffic laws in the pursuit of pussy!! After making our rounds... my eagle eyes see Vivi walking down a backstreet damning her cell phone.... Wilma did a number on our cell phone reception .... not only that... but come to find out that this young latina babe had yet to get her power back... along with a few other bits of info that I didn t care enough to remember... what I DO remember.. is me seizing the oppurtunity to help this damsel in distress by offering her a ride to the store and $200 for my documentary about hurricane victims here in South Florida... The way I fig

  • 00:54:27
  • Nov 08, 2005
  • 251


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