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reinventing the porn star

This week on the Facial Fest, Preston brought in a girl who really shouldn t be on Facial Fest. The thing is this is an amateur site; we only bring in girls who haven t fucked on camera, and slam them right into the industry. But Preston had other things on his mind. He wanted to show us something. That we are the Best! He had an idea to take an actual porn star and reinvent her for the amateur style that we like. It worked like a charm. He got her to loosen up and reveal herself to the camera, and when they fucked it was real no porn shit. Real live fucking! This is the essence of who we are. Getting girls to feel natural and o.k. with us. Fuck all that staged porn shit. Megan Moore is a hot blond from L.A. with an awesome body and a great ass. She has a lot of potential in the porn world, but at least we got to see another side of her.

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 03, 2008
  • 156


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