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blond french tourist is mallory moore getting nailed at the beach

Two blond babes came as a tourist to the Spanish beach. They enjoy the sun and like to open their bikinis and lick each other pussy and tits. There happens to be a hot-blooded Spaniard watching them. Andrea likes that place for the blond babes who used to come here in the past for sunbathing. Once he realizes they are hot, he says hello and approaches them to deeply fuck one of the girls! This sweet French chick is bisexual and enjoys Andrea fucking her. One buff macho man is always good entertainment. Andrea shags the lady, he comes very quickly, while the blond babe gets all of the cum in her face, and when he is done, our camera man asks him to fuck the other tourist, too. Poor Andrea! He laughs out loud and says Oh Dear! I am going to hide into the water! One chick is enough for the afternoon.

  • 00:27:29
  • Oct 17, 2022
  • 149


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