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femidom use experience and how it ends

The very first episode of this video was originally filmed for SexSlyle Europe, a European adult retailer, as an advertisement for the use of condoms for women, produced by FC - The Female Health Company.
Part of the video, but not all, as you understand, only a five-minute edited clip, where a woman shows how to use Femidom correctly and erotically, was shown on a closed site intended for the main wholesale clients and the Board of Directors of the company and had a furious success.
The main requirement of the company for filming was the absence of professional actors and the natural behavior of an ordinary couple without a preliminary script at home environmental.
All other episodes of this video were added by us while creating the video for SexSlyle Europe at our own wish, as we were in the mood to create a very immersive and realistic film about what is really happening in the bedroom and is hidden from the prudes.

  • 00:50:22
  • May 06, 2022
  • 119


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