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how to catch an ogre

Hey everyone! Preston here, bringing you this week s Bangbus update. so this week me and the fellas are riding down down the mean street of miami and we come across this Nice looking female but she reminds me of something of a cartoon or something like that but she was very nice and she was stacked tities ass the works so what the hell i tell her to come along with us and she doesn t really put up a fight or even argues she just wants us to treat to some lunch and why the hell its way cheaper than all the in she comes and man as soon as she comes in it clicks what it is that she reminds me off...Princess fiona from shrek lol so i started calling her that and u can tell that it bugged her out a bit i mean who wants to be called an ogre anyway...but she did comply with everything that was asked of her and the homie shaggy got some OGRE POONTANG LOL..guys this was hilarious update..Stay tuned!!!!!

  • 01:14:33
  • Dec 29, 2009
  • 210


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