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exercise or sexercise?

One nice sunny day Jarrod was working out at the park when he got this phone call from Misha. She told him about her friend Ariel who was chilin at her place. She also mentioned that they both horny and would mind Jarrod to come and fuck them both. This news made Jarrod forget about one daily routine and get ready for another one. He got to the destination point in few seconds where this hot chicks were warming each other. What a pleasure to watch them playing. As soon as Jarrod draw himself in front of them they didn t waste any time and attached their mouthes to where its suppose to be. Then he fucked them from some cool position that you probably wont find even in Kama Sutra. So feel free to check it out.

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 22, 2007
  • 87


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