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maya bijou’s day job is handling your package

So last week I ordered a package and noticed that the delivery girl was a super hot girl called Maya Bijou! I wanted to fuck her so bad, but I didn’t know how. Then I got an idea, what if I got her to deliver another package to me but this time I make sure its damaged so when she delivers it to me, I can blame her shitty delivery service for it and get her to stay longer to try to rectify the situation. Well it worked! She was stressed because she thought she was going to lose her job over this. Once I knew this, I knew I had her in my hands. I told her that if she let me fuck her that I wouldn’t call her supervisor. Well Maya said ok and started to suck my dick, turns out she’s really good at sucking dick, Maya was slurping hard! Then I got to unwrap my special package and check out her amazing body. I slammed that ass so good and then she rode my dick until I nut in her mouth. After I sent her a load of my own, I signed her work order and let her be on her way. Maybe I should order another package next week.

  • 00:29:33
  • Oct 27, 2016
  • 221


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