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beach buns

It s pretty much a given that I love ass..I love filming ass..and that I love showing you these amazing asses..well today I m bringing you my favorite mix of ass, a nice beautiful chocolate booty and a tasty delicious vanilla ass, back 2 back or ass to ass, which ever way you prefer. Basically, this is an episode you won t want to miss. Theses girls are hot, I got Georgia and I got Diamond, and they both love to show of their juicy asses. So, I met the girls at the beach and we got into the ass-worship quick, we jumped in the water and the girls where all about showing off their wet cheeks to the camera. Man was I in booty-loving I spend a little personal time with each girl and really get a look a what their working with,and seriously theses girls got ass..I love a good public ass- worship..then I take the girls back to my place, where thing got really buck wild, they stripped down, so we can look at those pretty tits and tight snatches..Jordan road with us and it was time him to show off his patented ass fingering techniques, damn he s good..the blow job and the sexy was crazy, Georgia even got some anal out of the whole thing..This is some hot shit you don t want to miss! Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 27, 2006
  • 141


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