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the brits are taking over

Savanah Gold, thats all I have to say to you. She s my new favorite BTRA girl. This girl has some huge fucking tits. I think I m in love, with her tits that is. And as if being fine wasn t enough, she has the sexiest British accent that just drives me crazy. But enough of that, her tits is what it s all about, those tits are insane, she s only like five feet tall, with those huge knockers, nice little round ass, and perfect little tummy. Now this girl is a freak, she was down for anything. As I said before as if being beautiful wasn t enough, she is one nasty British girl, she loves to suck cock, get fucked, and best of all she loves to take the cock up her ass. When Tony D came over. It was like the fucking British invasion. They hit it off so well, the chemistry was so there. They just went at it, he sucked on her luscious tits, and then she went for the cock, sticking that bug cock in that little mouth of hers. When he was fucking her pussy, she asked him to stick it in her ass. Tony had hit gold! Savanah Gold that is, he got hit that shit, right in the asshole. Sex was hot! I love girls that love anal! Enough said. Have Fun!

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 22, 2007
  • 169


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