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the maintenance man gets the job done

Working as a maintenance man around the city of Vegas you always get called to fix things, and today was no different. I was working at this dope ass resort and I got an emergency alert. I immediately went up to the room to see what the problem was. I get to the room and this fine ass woman opened the door. I was expecting for her to be in there with her boyfriend or husband but to my surprise she was alone. She told me what the issue was which was her tv wasn t working. I told her it would only take be a few minutes to figure things out. She left me to do my work and I got right to it. Like I told her it only took me a few minutes to fix the problem and she was so pleased with my work. she said she wanted to give me something for my troubles, but I insisted it was ok. I then told her that she should go by the pool and enjoy all the amenities the resort had to offer, plus it was some nice fellas down there. She moved closer to me and told me Well it s a nice guy right here . Then she

  • 00:13:13
  • Jun 30, 2024
  • 997


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