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remastered: julia

I m pretty sure that if you cruise around Little Havana Miami, Florida you re bound to run in to a few illegal immigrants doing odd jobs for little money. The point is to find the hot illegal immigrant chick who likes more money to suck dick. Well ladies and gentlemen we found one. Like a in a pube stack. Is that right? I forget. Her name is Julia and she s a red head Cuban hottie. It took the guys a bit to get her to agree to ride with them and answer a few questions, but they did it. After that all they had to do was make her laugh some and show her that the ugly chick with the big tits they brought along wasn t scared to show her tits and they inspired the Cuban immigrant chick to do the same. I love America!!

  • 01:28:48
  • Aug 26, 2011
  • 279


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