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Sometimes doing a favor for you girlfriend such as bringing her lunch while shes at work can be extremely rewarding, especially in this case. Richie received a call from his girlfriend Alexis to bring her some lunch. he was all down for it until she asked him to watch the store while she scarfed down the food. Richie didn t want to but he had no choice as Alexis walked away. But things changed for Richie when Kate Frost walked in and started looking at dresses trying them on and flirting with him. she was in a rush so she didn t have time to pay right there. so instead Kate handed Richie her card and contact info so that he can reach her for a payment. what happened after would go down in history as the best day ever for Richie. he decided to go to Kate s penthouse to collect the money but instead Mrs Kate had other plans in mind for thing young buck.

  • 00:00:00
  • May 30, 2009
  • 174


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